Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 11: Final Evaluation

Advertising is an amazing way to promote a product, and I would have never understood what this meant if it wasn't for this class. I believe I've came along way from when I started to now. I came into this class not knowing anything about the details and thoughts that were put into advertising. I didn't know that a good ad campaign actually matter. When I watch TV at home, I don’t skip through the commercials, I watch them. I’m now able to give a judgment, like wow that’s good, or that’s a bad commercial, what were they thinking? List common forms of advertising and describe major uses of each form. Advertising takes many forms from the earliest days of radio and television, there have been commercial sponsorship of broadcast programming, a sponsor would subsidize a radio or television program, thereby gaining an outlet for its advertisements. Commercial advertising takes many forms, from single print advertisements to campaigns in any media to sponsorship to branded utilities.  I've gained so much knowledge in this class towards advertising that I’m honestly amazed, I understand that you need to really consider your audience and the product you are trying to advertise. I know truth and feeling can go a long way. I would say I did very well in this class, besides just two classes that I've missed throughout the whole course. I know I’m a very good student and I've managed to succeed all of my requirements in the classroom.

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