Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Week 11: Final Evaluation

Advertising is an amazing way to promote a product, and I would have never understood what this meant if it wasn't for this class. I believe I've came along way from when I started to now. I came into this class not knowing anything about the details and thoughts that were put into advertising. I didn't know that a good ad campaign actually matter. When I watch TV at home, I don’t skip through the commercials, I watch them. I’m now able to give a judgment, like wow that’s good, or that’s a bad commercial, what were they thinking? List common forms of advertising and describe major uses of each form. Advertising takes many forms from the earliest days of radio and television, there have been commercial sponsorship of broadcast programming, a sponsor would subsidize a radio or television program, thereby gaining an outlet for its advertisements. Commercial advertising takes many forms, from single print advertisements to campaigns in any media to sponsorship to branded utilities.  I've gained so much knowledge in this class towards advertising that I’m honestly amazed, I understand that you need to really consider your audience and the product you are trying to advertise. I know truth and feeling can go a long way. I would say I did very well in this class, besides just two classes that I've missed throughout the whole course. I know I’m a very good student and I've managed to succeed all of my requirements in the classroom.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Analysis of Project in the Real World

Advertising is something great to know about, it's good to understand how this world works, and not to mention how fun it is to come up with creative ideas. I guess it's a good advertisement if it's true and also makes you feel something. “First thoughts can be very useful, as they often are the most direct for the public—but they are often so obvious, they don't really tickle people. It is often the marriage of the first thought with a twist that works … it's just that twist that takes so long to come up with! I push myself by questioning if it feels familiar and imagining how I would react to the work if I came across it while judging an awards scheme, or what the papers would say.”-136 When i had came up with the idea for the PS4, it was easy for me, I personally can relate to this ad, there was a time when there will be new games and new systems. My boyfriend will be on it 24/7, and then I started playing with him, of course there were games that I liked playing, but it was something we can now both do together. "In advertising, when you draw upon common experiences-funny, sad, bittersweet-people usually relate to them. The responses from people should be something like: "Yep, that's how it is!" (pg 82) Don't Neglect them, Play with Them! As cheesy as it sounds, it works.Something also that is smart when referring to advertising is connecting with your audience in a way that you don't necessarily understand the meaning but you can feel it. “We felt that the time was right for the brand to not tell people that it made you feel good—but to elicit that feeling,” 127 People can relate to a product if its true to them, the feeling that they get at just looking at a picture can make a product successful. If the audience is able to relate to that feeling then wanting the product can achieve great goals in their personal life. " A critical component is learning about the audience- the targeted, specified group of people at whom you are aiming your message, design, and solution." (pg 16) 

Week 10 EOC: What Makes A Good Campaign

Viewers will notice it.
For my campaign for the PS4 viewers will definitely notice it. Not only because its a new system and customers are waiting for it. But also we want a new kind of viewer to want it. GIRLS, with playstations new  campaign, Don't neglect them, play with them. Girls are now going to want the system, they will notice it.

It starts a dialogue between the brand and consumers.
The reason it will start dialogue is because we have never created any type of promotion that will be enduring to women. This is why it will be so different, we usually always target the boys whether its for the system or games, but this time since we have newer features the the PS4 is providing we want to have the girls in it as well.
Your core idea is elastic—you can create many ads based on the original theme.
Yes, we can definitely create a variety of ads, not only is it aimed at the younger crowd, and we can always promote new games for the system with new features, but now we can make a promotion involving women, whether its couples or just girlfriends. 
It will surprise people.
It will definitely surprise everyone, we want people to talk about it, not only our competitors but everyone, with new games and new features, and a new way of promotion. We hope to get positive feedback for our new system

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Creative Content

For the Creative Content a good way to advertise is always through TV commercials. This reason why is because a variety of people watch TV, not only that but timing has to be acknowledged. Ofcourse we have our obvious channels like MTV, VH1, our children channels, and now we have our women to think of. "A television commercial has to do several things to get people to watch and to keep from zapping or texting or retrieving a snack or checking their email or doing something else." (pg 219) When making a commercial, it cannot be boring, it needs to be at least one or two minutes long, and we need to make sure our audience can feel something. They can laugh and smile, and say Hey, that was a damn good commercial. We want our audience to enjoy what they see, not only enjoy it but want it as well.“TV Commercials Offer Too Much of a Good Thing All Over Again,”-126 In a commercial, it's good to tell a store, say what your ad means, I know we are able to get things easily understood, and straight to the point but it's also nice to just tell a story. People like that, having a little more to say, and with a commercial you can definitely do that. “The World Is Made of Stories, not Atoms.”-198


“In print, you have two or three seconds to capture someone's attention. If you lose the consumer in the first second, you've lost 'em. Period.” (pg 220) When promoting your product, you can have ads, commercials, and even stores can do the promotion for you. In my case, I decided to make an ad, not only can it be in magazines, but Gamestop can also have ads around its store. “4 million pixels means you won't miss a thing”-162 An ad is made by having a photo taken,  and being able to promote your product, in ways that you need to show creativity and have fun with it. People don't want to see something that brings their mood down, they want to smile and be happy. Promoting your product has to start of with an idea, a million and one ideas. A great idea comes with a pencil and paper filled with your imagination.“fresh new way of commenting on life in a blend of drawing and caption.”-119 Once you have something you like, just blend words together, your slogan will eventually come to you, and it will sound great. Get your drawing and put the caption on it. Bang! You are set and ready to promote. “Once you generate an ad idea, you need to evaluate it, testing it for functionality and creativity. Most ideas require refinement to strengthen them and to ensure they will work in practice.” (pg 76) 

The Big Idea

“Integration is never an afterthought. Forcing together disparate parts and shoehorning creative doesn't make a campaign ‘integrated.’ Instead, strive for ideas that are integrated at the core and work gracefully together between platforms.”-192 The play station has always made a great impact in the gaming world, not only did I, myself play the very first play station, but I've always preferred Sony Play Station then any other system out there. Its just the way its setup, it comes with a lot of great games,it comes with a blue-ray player, it just has a variety of features that you can't complain about.  “Why settle when you can Select,”-121 An amazing way to attract customers is by doing what we know they will love, in our case, we want to be able to do something different and let it be known that there are systems that are not only for boys, that girls can tag along with gaming also. Our slogan is "Don't neglect them, play with them", knowing that the boys always go crazy over new games, new systems, we decided to do things differently and aim our campaign to both boys and girls.“An effective ad is driven by the underlying concept. An advertising idea— or concept—is the creative reasoning behind a solution. The concept determines the resulting message: what you say and how you design.“  (pg.68). We also understand that there's a wide range of competition out there, and a lot of ads are similar, they always promote the same type of advertisements, but for the PS4 we totally want to create different ads, we want for everyone to love what we are doing, our features have a share button, we can now use promotion that are networked to facebook.   “To create something fresh, you need to know what has already been done. You've seen millions of ads in your lifetime and probably know what looks, feels, and sounds stale by now.” (pg 107) 

Week 9: For those who think young

This commercial for Selena Gomez is aimed at teens, Selena Gomez is one of the top celebrities that the younger generation have looked up to. The commercial is filled with teens having a good time, laughing and seems like they are causing some trouble. Shes walking around spray painting a wall,. with all of the other teens. The commercial ad is for NEO, an addidas line, which now Selena is the NEW FACE. "LIVE YOUR STYLE" is there slogan, and now with open minds, style of teens have been trending. This is why the commercial is for those who think young.

This other commercial is for Nicki Minaj Pepsi commercial. The commercial plays some of her music, and shes performing at a concert. The reason why this Pepsi is aimed at the younger crowd is because the only people that attend her concerts and like her are the younger generation. Even though Pepsi is a drink for everyone, This commercial only portrays the younger generation.

Competitive Analysis

The competition for the Play Station 4 well have to be the Xbox 720, its rumored that Microsoft is indeed releasing a new Xbox console. These two systems are the main gaming console for an individual, they both have great components, and both offer different and similar things. “The great subjects of online video are stunts, pranks, violence, gotchas, virtuosity, upsets and transformations.”127 Boys love violence, they enjoy games that involve shooting, and killing.

·      How do they draw customers and clients? The way Xbox draws its customers it by being an existing customer. Prior customers choose their console because they have had the prior product, they enjoy the video games for that console, not only do they enjoy the games, but for ex. Halo is only an Xbox game. This is one of the main points on how they draw their customers. Also Xbox advertises with commercials, and inside stores.

·    What amenities or facilities are offered that you don't have?    Something that Xbox has that we don't are the games. Some games are only for the Xbox.
·      What challenges are they facing? The challenges are having to compete, how do you grab an audience that loves the Xbox, you need to come up with something creative that not even your competition can relate. 

PS4: Don't Neglect her, Play with Her

The slogan I came up with was Don't Neglect Her, Play With Her for the playstation 4. As we all know, Sony Playstation has become very successful with boys, and we are sure that this new device is going to cause alot of commotion once its out. For this product, just like any other gaming system, the boys seem to forget about their women and just make everything about themselves. So for this campaign, lets make the PS4 for women also. Don't neglect them, Play with them. Its meaning is for the boys to realize that they can also play with the system they have, any game, with a girl. The reason why this slogan is so unique is because when it comes to gaming, its a mans world, and with this slogan, its now a mans world with a women apart of it, women will react way better to this ad campaign then having it only aimed at men. It can now be aimed to both women and men.

Week 6 EOC; Vintage Ads

70-GL was an additive in Gleem toothpaste in the 1950's, and was advertised as its unique decay and mouth-odor fighting ingredient.

Orlon is a synthetic acrylic fiber used for textiles and knitwear made from it.

Blue Magic Whitener makes clothes whiter, its a blue liquid made by Cheer.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Week 5 EOC Super Bowl Ad

I absolutely love this ad, I think the creators did an amazing job putting this together to advertise the car. Not only is it extremely hilarious, but its also really sweet. Using the animals in the ad and giving it an illusion and a story to make a come to live was really smart. Its nothing offensive, we all know that babies come from sex but growing up, If it wasn't for any kid stories, we wouldn't think babies actually came from a stork. But in this ad campaign, saying that it comes outer space is really creative and fun.  

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

EOC Week 4: Role of Women in Contemporary Advertisements

In this Christmas ad by Hoover, it suggest that women want things like a vacuum, its giving a message that tools that women need to work around the house will make them happy. Just because the role of a women was to take care of the kids, cook, and clean, doesn't mean that they wouldn't want a nice coat, or even jewelry. The ad is obviously saying that women should not even think of getting out of the role of being a house wife, lets keep on putting her to work! 

In this Dove ad, it shows how happy this women is under her skin, Dove has been starting a new campaign about women and how beautiful they should feel under their skin, there's no need to make other people happy, especially a man. But you need to make yourself happy, Dove has been letting women know that as long as they are happy, and they feel great with their body there's no need to change that. In this ad Stacy is saying that she won't change for anyone, she's healthy and she's going to be proud.
Both of these ads have come along way when it comes to women, women are now treated like they're beautiful, people admit that they are intelligent, they are allowed to feel beautiful no matter what. They have a voice, unlike the first ad, women are no longer house wives unless they choose to be one.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

EOC Week 2

3 Advertisements

I found this as by Sisley, and must I say I've never heard of this clothing line, but all of her ads are very different and unique, its hard not to know of this line. This photo totally makes you question what the hell is going on? Obviously we all know what people think about bananas but what are they trying to say? There's a banana in his underwear, and in the next picture he's eating the banana? (Gay Perhaps?)

Again, here's another Sisley ad, and I love this one. Key word: Fashion Junkie. My thoughts would say coke whore, but there's no cocaine in this photo, they're getting high off of clothes. The girls get a hype of shopping for clothing.

I personally thought this wasn't a great ad for Dolce & Gabbana, to me this says, this girl is so hot that every guy wants a piece of her, and to be malicious, she chose a guy and let the other guys watch, but I read that people thought of it very controversial and it seemed like they were portraying gang rape, I think its important to get your point across and this is definitely not the right way on doing so. There could always be more then one way of reading a photo, don't get the wrong idea out. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Fashion Professional! You see them all around, in T.V, magazines, with celebrities, absolutely everywhere, and then there’s me, how I am supposed to compete with all these professionals in the future. EASY! I know I’m extremely dedicated, I know that with my hard work, keeping my focus, and following my heart, I will make it one way or another. This is what I've wanted since 8th grade and I will keep on working on it until I've made it. I love everything that has to do with fashion, and even if I start off small and make my way up, I will know that I’m on the right path to success. I always get the “Why Fashion” question? Well, why do something for the rest of your life and be unhappy? Being a fashion professional is beneficial to me by being involved in something I enjoy rather then having to wake up every morning doing something I hate for years to come. I rather work in an environment that I’m passionate about and at the end, I wouldn't call it working. Fashion to me is being able to express yourself rather then having to say it, and I would love to help people be happy by what they wear, I want to be able to be apart of their happiness just by what they have on, you can make a million people feel good about themselves just by what they have on.
Being a fashion professional will give me my purpose in life, what everyone in the world searches for, I know I will find it by fulfilling my dreams, and while fulfilling those dreams, I will be making people happy. Making my dreams reality is also helping those people that need that little boost on loving who they are.

EOC Week 1: VW Lemon

The VW Lemon ad has impacted the advertising world ever since it first came to America. Doyle Dane Bernbach introduced the Beetle with the ad that seemed effortless, that possessed a revolutionary approach to marketing. It connected with consumers, successfully integrating European small design into a culture with a big lifestyle. This ad, along with others from the campaign, was the first to represent a perfect balance of image, copy and simplicity, setting a benchmark that has inspired advertisers to do better ever since. People loved that a company was willing to kid itself in public, and no one responded more to the Beetle or its advertising than America's vaunted "baby boomers." As these children of postwar affluence came of age in the 1960s, they embraced Volkswagens as a way to show rejection of what they saw as the materialism of older generations. Besides, Volkswagens were cheap to buy and run, and they were easily fixed.
Ad agencies began imitating the DDB approach to ad making, it became a movement that industry professionals now refer to as the creative revolution, it was in this period when creativity mattered the most. The movement of the beetle continued across the land, and a threat was on the horizon, though Volkswagen increased sales throughout the 1960s to remain America's top-selling foreign make, its share of the import-car market withered from 67 percent in 1965 to a less commanding 51 percent by decade's end. It was DDB that pioneered the concept of art directors and copywriters working together. The lemon ad will go down in history, and we will always go back to realize how much of an impact it has made.